
30 Biblical Names And Their Meanings

30 Biblical Names And Their Meaning

30 Biblical Names And Their Meanings

  1. Nahath – Rest, A leader
  2. Mahath – Creature of God or Made by God
  3. Amaziah – The strength of the Lord
  4. Uzziah – Strenght of Jehovah
  5. Joash – Whom Jehovah hasten, i.e to help
  6. Manasseh – Causing to Forget, forgetfulness
  7. Eliab – To whom God is Father, God is my Father
  8. Athaliah – Whom God afflicts
  9. Jehozabad – Whom Jehovah gave
  10. Jehoshaphat – Yahweh had judged
  11. Asa – Healer
  12. Abijah – The Lord is My Father, Possessor
  13. David – Well-beloved
  14. Daniel – Judged of God
  15. Amnon – Faithful
  16. Elihu – Whose God is He, He is My God Himself
  17. Caleb – A Crow
  18. Joshua – A Saviour, A deliverer
  19. Gideon – A Destroyer, He that Bruise or Break
  20. Elah – An Oak, A Curse, Perjury
  21. Dan – A Judge
  22. Simeon – That Hears or Obeys
  23. Joel – He that Will or Command
  24. Eleazar – Help of God
  25. Phinehas – Face of Trust or Protection, Bold Aspect
  26. Benjamin – Son of the Right Hand
  27. Ezra – Help, Court
  28. Peter – A Rock or Stone
  29. John – The Grace or Mercy of The Lord
  30. Hezekiah – The Might of Jehovah
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