We have gathered four great Books on Bible Doctrines that you should read about. Biblical doctrine, derived from the Greek word for “instruction,” refers to authoritative, spiritually focused teaching, particularly as it applies to lifestyle. Scripture emphasizes its importance, stating it’s “profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16).
Sound doctrine, rooted in the “whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27), illuminates God’s nature, the path to salvation, church guidance, and holiness standards. While minor doctrinal disagreements exist, true doctrine must align with God’s unchanging character.
However, the Bible warns against replacing divine instruction with man-made doctrines or selectively interpreting scripture to suit personal desires. This practice, condemned by Jesus and the apostles, leads to false teachings that deviate from the true gospel.
The Bible sternly cautions against such distortions, emphasizing the importance of adhering to “sound doctrine” (1 Timothy 6:3-4) and condemning those who pervert the gospel (Galatians 1:7-9). True doctrine, grounded in diligent study of God’s Word, provides a foundation for a godly life, while neglecting scripture opens the door to error.
Try and get the following materials as they will equip you.
Below are Books on Bible Doctrines:
Power Evangelism – John Wimber
Prophetic Evangelism – Sean Smith
Share Jesus Without Fear – William Fay
The Faith Once For All Bible Doctrine For Today – Jack Cottrell