Books on Baptism highlighted for you. Christian baptism, instituted by Jesus as a core ordinance, symbolizes a believer’s public declaration of faith and discipleship. Rooted in Jesus’ command to baptize new disciples in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, it signifies a spiritual cleansing and alignment with Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.
This act, distinct from earlier Jewish and John the Baptist baptisms, visually represents the believer’s death to sin and entry into a new life in Christ, mirroring the spiritual baptism into the Body of Christ through the Holy Spirit.
While baptism is a vital act of obedience following salvation, it is not a prerequisite for salvation itself. The scriptural pattern consistently shows belief preceding baptism, highlighting it as an outward expression of an inward transformation. New believers are encouraged to be baptized promptly, demonstrating their commitment to Christ and identifying with His redemptive work.
This practice, therefore, serves as a powerful testament to the transformative power of faith and the believer’s integration into the Christian community.
We have great books on Baptism for you to be fired up.
Below are 5 Books on Baptism:
Being Christian (Baptism, Bible, Eucharist, Prayer) – Rowan Williams
Believers Baptism (A String of Pearls Strung) – Fred A. Malone
The Baptized Body – Peter J. Leithart
Uncommon Ground (Living Faithfully In A World Of Difference) – Timothy Keller & John Inazu
Understanding Water Baptism – Paul A. Magbadelo