Relationship Over? Knowing When to Call It Quits
When to Declare a Relationship or Marriage Over
What is meant by a deal-breaker?
A deal breaker is the point at which a partner or other participant in a joint venture is unable to carry out the terms of the contract, agreement, deal, or project due to an incident or event.
Individuals have different deal-breakers in relationships. As they say, what is good for one man may be bad for another.
Describe your deal-breaker.
We’ll talk about a few real-life deal-breakers, but if you have any, please share them in the space provided below. These qualities might show up early in a relationship and frequently while it is already becoming more serious. Everything appears to be well at first, but when things get difficult, the tough start going.
We restrict it to the emotional and mental demographic since we are interested in the interactions between lovers, partners, or friends.
1. Adultery
For some people, particularly women, a guy cheating on a woman ruins the relationship. The arrangement is off if a man is discovered cheating on Assumption or even on the spot. Although women are as adept at this, it seems to be more of a male defect these days, even though the male gender does not tolerate it either.
Are all males unfaithful?
While some women may overlook infidelity, others can never forgive it for a variety of reasons.
- For the first time, he or she
- I don’t want to lose them.
- Because of their situation, I believe he loves me, but men are prone to cheat, so I can forgive him/her. I don’t truly love him; we’re only in this together for our mutual gain.
- If divorce is out of the question for married people, we have to figure something out.
- There is an endless list. Certain people simply cannot tolerate cheating. Is this you?
2. A Partner Who Abuse
Physical and psychological abuse is another red flag in this case. For many people, having an abusive partner is unacceptable. Some males are abused by their female partners, despite the fact that this is a gender-centered issue that focuses on men as abusers.
According to a woman, “I walk away the moment he raises his hands to hit me while dating.” “I need a man who can correct me and beat me because sometimes I may misbehave and need to be dealt with,” another person stated.
Isn’t that funny? What are your thoughts? What a waste of man’s unpredictable heart.
3. Deception and Inauthenticity
For partners who detest falsehoods, this usually ends the deal. Although it is somewhat different from adultery, it is somewhat comparable because relationships benefit greatly from denial and acceptance of wrongdoing. If the partner perceives a man’s sincerity and repentance after he confesses to cheating and pleads for forgiveness, she may be willing to forgive him. For many, however, a persistent liar is a deal-breaker.
4. Love Lost and Disrespect
The majority of the time, disrespect for men breaks the deal, and it is almost always the cause of a man’s issues with his women. Man’s ego, unwilling to take a beating, is a waste. Every man loves to be respected, in control and accepted. The same is true for some women, but not always; these are uncommon but non-viral occurrences.
He no longer loves me, thus it’s love lost. I can’t make him do anything. I’m done with him pushing me away; this isn’t how we used to be. Indeed, women occasionally leave when they no longer feel loved or suspect their partner is uninterested.
5. A Criminal Characteristic
I can’t handle a criminal, thief, scammer, burglar, fraudster, addict, convicted felon, and so on. Some people enjoy to ride with the devil, while others are done once they discover the bad side of their partners.
6. Premarital Intercourse
This is a serious problem for unmarried couples. How can we date, maintain our relationship, feel something for one another, yet avoid having sex? However, some people stick to their principles and uphold this order, which sometimes ends the agreement when one spouse tries to violate it.
For genuine Christians, this is a deal-breaker, but few dare to do it.
Most of the time, men put pressure on women to lower themselves, but women who maintain their dignity and pride are more resistant to giving in.
Premarital sex is definitely wicked, even though many people don’t think so.
There is enough inclination to avoid getting married when you are not married to a man in nuptial happiness.
Therefore, how much sex will you have had before meeting your husband if you have to date six men before the right one shows up and gains access to your space? Sex is more than just an activity, even though some people don’t respect their bodies.
But consider this: can you expect respect from a man who has had numerous sexual encounters with you when and if you eventually get married and/or find yourself in a position that requires you to be dignified and respected?
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