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Books On Ecclesiology [PDF Download]


Books On Ecclesiology [PDF Download]

Books On Ecclesiology [PDF Download]

Books On Ecclesiology PDF. The study of the church is called ecclesiology. The Greek terms “assembly” and “word” are the origin of the word “ecclesiology,” which when combined means “the study of the church.” The congregation of God’s people who are believers is called the church. Understanding God’s purpose for believers in the modern world requires an understanding of ecclesiology. Among the major concerns in ecclesiology are:

What is the church? Nowadays, a lot of people think of the church as a structure. This is not how the church interprets the Bible. The word “church” refers to individuals more than it does to a physical structure.

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What is the church’s mission? Scripture states that the goals or functions of the church should be: (1) imparting Biblical truth; (2) offering a gathering place for believers; (3) celebrating the Lord’s Supper; and (4) engaging in prayer.

What role does Christian baptism play? The Bible says that becoming baptized as a Christian is just a public declaration of one’s faith in Christ alone for salvation—a simple act of obedience. Baptism is an act of obedience and faith—proof that salvation is a reality in a person’s life—even though it is not necessary for salvation.

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What does Christian Communion, or the Lord’s Supper, mean? Because of the richness of meaning it conveys, studying the Lord’s Supper is a profound experience. It is an “acted-out sermon” that recalls the suffering, death, and resurrection of our Lord while anticipating His glorious return.

What is written in the Bible regarding church government? According to what the Bible says, a plurality of elders and a group of deacons who work as the church’s servants make up the leadership of a church. However, it is not against the plurality of elders for one of these elders to hold the primary “pastoral” position.

The Books on Ecclesiology PDF Free Download gathered here are for you on Ecclesiology. Take time to read, study, and learn.

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Below are the lists of Books on Ecclesiology PDF:

Be Thou Prepared (Equipping the Church for Persecution and Times of Trouble) – Carl Gallups

Exploring Ecclesiology (An Evangelical and Ecumenical Introduction) – Brad Harper & Paul Louis Metzger

I Will Build My Church (A Teaching on Restoration) – Alister Lowe

Jesus Said I Will Build My Church And the GATES of HELL Shall Not Prevail Against It – Rudi Louw

Thy Kingdom Come – J. Dwight Pentecost


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