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Books On Angels Among Us [PDF Download]

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Books On Angels Among Us [PDF Download]

Books on Angels Among Us PDF. Scripture is replete with examples of angels playing a crucial role in God’s purpose. The scripture “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing so some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it” (Hebrews 13:2) suggests that angels may be among us even now. The most apparent example is Abraham, who in Genesis 18 saw celestial visitation who seemed to him as men. Because the word “have shown” is in the past tense and does not specifically indicate present-day encounters, this verse may or may not corroborate that angels are truly walking among us unnoticed.

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We are aware that God may and does use angels to carry out certain tasks since the Bible contains several instances of angelic encounters. The frequency with which angels consent to being seen by humans is something we cannot be certain of. The Bible provides the following basic information on angels: it says that they can guard people (Exodus 23:20), give messages to people (Luke 1:35), help people (Daniel 6:22), appear in visions and dreams (Daniel 10:13), teach people (Genesis 16:9), and assist in the work of God.

We know that angels are created by God and that He employs them in His plan. Because certain angels—like Gabriel and Michael—have names and because every angel in the angelic hierarchy has distinct duties, angels possess a feeling of identity.

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The Books on Angels Among Us PDF Free Download gathered here will teach you about Angels Among Us. Take time to read, study, and learn.

Below are the lists of Books on Angels Among Us PDF:

Angels (Who They Are and How They Help–What the Bible Reveals) – Dr. David Jeremiah

Angels Among Us – Ron Rhodes

Prayers and Decrees that Activate Angel Armies (Releasing God’s Angels into Action) – Tim Sheets

The Truth About Angels – Tony Evans

Unseen – Jack Graham


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