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Biography of Uebert Angel

Biography of Uebert Angel

Uebert Angel, a name synonymous with prosperity theology, has garnered significant attention for his flamboyant lifestyle and controversial teachings. Born in Zimbabwe and based in the United Kingdom, Angel is the founder of the Spirit Embassy (now known as the Good News Church).

A Life of Luxury and Controversy

Angel’s ministry is characterized by lavish displays of wealth, including private jets, luxury cars, and opulent mansions. His sermons often emphasize the idea that material prosperity is a sign of divine favor, leading to accusations of promoting a “prosperity gospel.” Critics argue that this message can exploit vulnerable individuals, promising financial blessings in exchange for donations to the church.

A Questionable Past

Angel’s past has been marred by allegations of fraud, se,ual misconduct, and financial impropriety. He has faced accusations of using his position to exploit and manipulate others. In 2023, Al Jazeera’s investigative unit exposed his involvement in a global money laundering operation, further tarnishing his reputation.

The Rise of a Global Ministry

Despite the controversies, Angel’s ministry has grown exponentially, with branches in numerous countries. His charismatic preaching style and ability to connect with audiences have contributed to his popularity. However, his teachings have been widely criticized by theologians and religious leaders who argue that they deviate from biblical principles.

Philanthropy or Public Relations Stunt?

Angel and his wife, Beverly, have established charitable foundations to support various causes, including education and poverty alleviation. While these initiatives have garnered positive attention, some critics question their sincerity, suggesting that they are primarily designed to enhance Angel’s public image and deflect criticism.

Published Books

  • Angel, Uebert (12 April 2022). The Money Is Coming. Levi House.
  • I went to Hell (2021)
  • Genetics of Words (2020)
  • Spiritual Warfare (2020)
  • Hello Holy Spirit (2019)
  • The Prayer that God Cannot Ignore (2016)
  • Provoking the Angels of Money (2016)
  • Defeating the Demon of Poverty (2016)
  • Becoming a Millionaire in Real Estate (2016)
  • God’s Get Rich Quick Scheme (2016)
  • Good News (2016)
  • The Greatest Secret God Told Me About Money (2015)
  • Prayer Banks (2014)
  • God’s Medicine (2013)
  • Praying for the Impossible (2012)
  • ANGEL, UEBERT SNR. (8 September 2017). How to Hear the Voice of God. Levi House.
  • Supernatural Power of the Believer (2010)

A Complex Figure

Uebert Angel remains a complex and enigmatic figure. His ability to amass wealth and influence while maintaining a loyal following is undeniable. However, his controversial past and questionable teachings raise serious concerns about the ethics and integrity of his ministry.

As the debate surrounding Angel continues, it is crucial to critically examine the impact of prosperity theology and to hold religious leaders accountable for their actions.

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