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Books On Experiencing God [PDF Download]

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Books On Experiencing God [PDF Download]

Books On Experiencing God [PDF Download]

Books on Experiencing God PDF. The idea of “experiencing God” is very common in Christian communities, however, it is not specifically mentioned in the Bible. Scripture gives us many instructions on how to relate to God, but one of those instructions is not to experience Him. God commands us to fear him (Ecclesiastes 12:13; 1 Peter 2:17), trust him (John 14:1), obey him (Deuteronomy 27:10; 1 John 5:2), and love him with all our hearts (Deuteronomy 6:5). However, the Bible says nothing about having a “God experience.” “To participate in or undergo,2) to be emotionally or aesthetically moved by, or 3) to learn by experience” is how the dictionary defines experience as a verb.

So what does it mean to experience God, and how do we achieve that? The definition of experience that results from starting with the meanings found in dictionaries, combining them, and then applying them to our relationship with God is something like “participating like God, being moved by Him, and learning of Him through familiarity.”

Before engaging in any relationship with God, we need to resolve two internal tensions. First of all, according to Romans 3:12, we are all hopeless sinners trapped in a hole from which we cannot dig our way out. Second, Almighty God accepts nothing we do on our own—not church attendance, not volunteer work at the hospital, not money given to the needy (Isaiah 64:6). Scripture teaches us that we must confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and give our life to Him to settle these difficulties. God will then accept our deeds and words (2 Corinthians 12:9–10).

The Books on Experiencing God PDF Free Download gathered here will teach you about Experiencing God. Take time to read, study, and learn.

Below are the lists of Books on Experiencing God PDF:

40 Lives in 40 Days (Experiencing God’s Grace Through the Bible’s Most Compelling Characters) – John F. MacArthur

Greater Works (Experiencing God’s Power) – Smith Wigglesworth

Prayer (Experiencing Awe and Intimacy With God) – Timothy Keller

The God Catchers (Experiencing The Manifest Presence of God) – Tommy Tenney

When Heaven Comes Down Experiencing God’s Glory in Your Life – Ché Ahn


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