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Books On Jesus in the Old Testament [PDF Download]

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Books On Jesus in the Old Testament [PDF Download]

Books on Jesus in the Old Testament PDF. Even though He doesn’t go by that name or appear in the same way as He does in the New Testament, Jesus appears frequently throughout the Old Testament. Christ is the central concept of the Bible.

The existence of Jesus in the Old Testament was attested to by Him. “If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me,” Jesus said in John 5:46 in response to some religious authorities who had opposed Him. According to Jesus, God’s work with man since time started all pointed to Him. On the day of His resurrection, Jesus demonstrated His existence once more in the Old Testament.

As Jesus and two of His disciples strolled along, “he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself, beginning with Moses and all the Prophets” (Luke 24:27). Jesus had previously mentioned that this passage in Isaiah 53:12 must be fulfilled in Him before His crucifixion. He had remarked, “And he was numbered with the transgressors.” Indeed, the prophecy about me is coming to pass (Luke 22:37).

The Books on Jesus in the Old Testament PDF Free Download gathered here will teach you about Jesus in the Old Testament. Take time to read, study, and learn.

Below are the lists of Books on Jesus in the Old Testament PDF:

Jesus and Scripture (Studying the New Testament Use of the Old Testament) – Steve Moyise

Jesus on Every Page (10 Simple Ways to Seek and Find Christ in the Old Testament) – David Murray 

Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament – Christopher J. H. Wright

The Emmaus Code (Finding Jesus in the Old Testament) – David Limbaugh 

The Scriptures Testify About Me (Jesus and the Gospel in the Old Testament) – D.A. Carson


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