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Christian Charity Empowers Impoverished Girls with 4 Million Dress Donation

Christian-Charity-225x300 Christian Charity Empowers Impoverished Girls with 4 Million Dress Donation

Over 4 million garments are donated to underprivileged young girls globally by a Christian organization.

This gesture was funded by a campaign that coordinates the dress-making activities of many charity organizations and churches.

Since its founding in 2009, the Hope 4 Women International-led initiative Dress a Girl Around the World has donated more than 3 million locally created garments for girls.

Rachel Eggum Cinader, president of Hope 4 Women International, stated that the campaign started because she saw the need for dresses while traveling in Uganda.

“My sister Joan and I took pillowcases to Uganda and taught the women to make dresses from them on treadle sewing machines,” Cinader said. “Soon, the idea caught on, and people from all over wanted to make dresses.”

“We soon realized making dresses from pillowcases wasn’t a good idea and switched to using new cotton or cotton-blend fabrics.”

“Many sewers have said this program gives them purpose. We’ve seen women who were depressed and are now fired up to get out of bed and sew for girls living in poverty. They pray over the dresses and for the girls who will receive them,” Cinader continued.

“We send dresses with people going on mission trips so the dresses are hand-carried and given out by those who carry them. This gives the teams an opportunity to share Jesus and His love.”

The charity not only donates clothing to girls in need, but also takes advantage of the chance to educate the public about the risks of human trafficking and the strategies used by traffickers to entice girls.


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