Christian Songs Download

[Music + Lyrics] Numbers 23”19 – King David (MP3 Download)

[Music + Lyrics] Numbers 23”19 – King David (MP3 Download)

[Music + Lyrics] Numbers 23”19 – King David (MP3 Download)

MP3 download by the Nigerian Christian artist and worship leader King David titled “Numbers 23”19”.

The song is an exposition on the scripture verse Numbers 23:19 which says “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?”

It is a reminder that God’s promises will not fail but we just have to keep trusting Him.

Download, listen, and be blessed.



Lyrics: Numbers 23″19 By King David


Verse 1:
If He said it,it will come to pass.
If He promised, He will do it Yeah Yeah
If He said it, it will come to pass, it will come to pass oooo

Verse 2:
He did it all at the cross, Jesus made a way on Calvary.
Every word, every Promise to You, it will come to pass eh!
It will come to pass (every promise)
So I decree and declare it will come to pass because Christ has done it all everything. I decree and declare it will come to pass Christ has done it all, sing it loud now yeah.

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I decree and Declare it will come to pass because Christ has done it all, I decree and declare it will come to pass because Christ has done it all.

Special Part:
oo oo oo oo
(It will come to pass)
He’s not a man that He should lie every word will come to pass has He said it will He not do it has He Promised will he not do it.
O o ooh o oo.
You no dey fail oo (God does not fail)
You no dey lie o lai lai (God does not lie at all)
AGBUNURE GOD ehh He will do it and more eh! .
If He Promised He has done it.
If He said it He will do it
oo there’s nothing too hard for You to do my Lord eh!
Declare it stand on the word
So I Decree and Declare it will come to pass eh.
Every word of Promise every spoken word of Faith ooo.
I believe I receive it…

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