Books on the Anointing that every believer and minister of God must read. In the Old Testament, ceremonial anointing involved applying sacred oil to individuals or objects, symbolizing divine selection and setting them apart for holy purposes. This practice, using oil blended with specific spices, designated kings, priests, and prophets, signifying God’s presence and favor.
Key figures like David, Aaron, and Elisha were anointed, as were sacred items like the Tabernacle. Anointing also served as a gesture of hospitality, as seen in Psalm 23:5 and the Gospels. In the New Testament, Jesus Christ is identified as the ultimate Anointed One, the Messiah, fulfilling Old Testament prophecies and demonstrating His divine calling through miracles and sacrifice.
While the Old Testament focused on literal anointing, the New Testament emphasizes the spiritual anointing of believers through the Holy Spirit. This indwelling received at salvation connects believers to Christ, the Anointed One, and empowers them for godly living.
However, some Charismatic teachings extend beyond scriptural boundaries, promoting concepts like “corporate anointings,” “special anointings,” and the “Mimshach anointing,” which are not biblically supported. The Bible affirms that believers receive a permanent anointing from the Holy One, emphasizing the sufficiency of the Spirit’s presence rather than the pursuit of additional, unscriptural anointings.
If you want the anointing of God to find full expression in your life, below are some powerful books highlighted for you.
Below are 10 Books on The Anointing:
Anointing For Exploits – David O. Oyedepo
Mysteries Of The Anointing – Benny Hinn
The Breaker Anointing (How God Breaks Open The Way To Victory) – Barbara J. Yoder
The Hannah Anointing – Michelle McClain-Walters
The Power Of The Apostolic Anointing – Frequency Revelator
The Sacred Anointing (The Power To Live Your Dream) – Steven Brooks
The Sarah Anointing – Michelle McClain-Walters
The Triple Threat Anointing – Andrew Towe
Understanding The Anointing – David Oyedepo
Understanding The Anointing – Kenneth E. Hagin