6 Tips for Fixing Your Heart on God
When you give your heart to God, you are allowing Him to live through you in a way that is entirely His own. It indicates that you have decided to totally let go of all earthly concerns, give yourself over to Him, and put your daily confidence in Him to lead you. Praying, attending church, thanking God in songs and Psalms, or even contributing a portion of your earnings to the church are not the only ways to set your focus on God. It takes more than just these religious deeds to set your heart on God. You must sincerely love God with all of your heart and strength in order to truly set your heart on Him. So how can you really set your heart on God in practice?
1. God must be known to you
The lead is found in James 4:7-8. To love is to know. The Bible is a collection of books that depict God, and reading it is the first step toward getting to know Him if you desire to focus your heart on Him. The Bible is essentially the autobiography of God. You can learn more about God by listening to preachers who have been sent by Him.
To better grasp what God wants for us, it is vital to get to know Him in order to put your heart on Him. The characteristics of a true witness for Christ were discussed in this essay, and the allusion to Sceva’s seven sons always hits the mark when it comes to the importance of knowing God. By reading the Bible and attempting to implement what we read, along with other spiritual exercises, we set our affections on God. In the end, in order to truly set our hearts on God, we must take the time to get to know Him and learn more about His purposes for us.
2. Keep an eye out and pray
The adversary wants you to turn your attention away from God. Knowing this, Jesus gave the disciples the following advice: “Watch and pray so that you do not enter into temptation” (Matthew 26:41). Acts 20:28 records Paul telling the elders of Ephesus, “Watch yourselves and the flock over which God has made you overseers,” and he also gave insight to Timothy, telling him to “watch your life and your doctrine” (1 Timothy 4:16). Only when you have a guardian over your life and heart can you genuinely fix your focus on God.
3. Follow His Instruction (John 2:5)
How can you claim to be putting your heart on God if you are disobeying His commands? Therefore, increase your love by keeping His commands. The Bible may contain those commandments if you are unaware of them. One might see all of the Lord’s directives as His commandments, ranging from loving Him to loving your neighbors as yourself (John 14:15).
4. Express appreciation
We are incredibly grateful for everything in our lives. From where do those favors originate? Well, from God, naturally! Giving thanks to the Lord for all of the blessings He has bestowed upon us ought to be a part of our prayer life. I’m not referring to our possessions. We are grateful for our family, homes, and health, of course. However, acknowledge our blessings and liberties, the clean air we breathe, the breathtaking scenery around us, and most importantly, our souls’ salvation.
Sometimes we ignore and take for granted the things we are unable to see.
5. Friendships with other believers
We have the option to spend time with worldly people who will probably turn us away from God or we can choose to spend time in the company of sincere Christians who are aware of God and His will. You will see that genuine Christian friends will inspire you to become nearer to the Lord. They are watching out for your best interests, heart, and soul, which makes them the best friends you could ask for.
6. Accept and Spread the Word of God
Only those in whom you have put your heart and confidence can you truly believe what they say. But only if your heart is fixed on God will you be able to convey His word. This is due to your desire for everyone—even those who live far away—to gain from serving the one and only true God. By holding fast to God’s word (2 Timothy 3:16,17) and spreading it far (Matthew 28:19), you turn from your sin and maintain your relationship with Him.
All you need to do is include Him in all you do and your life.