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Books On Eschatology [PDF Download]


Books On Eschatology [PDF Download]

Books On Eschatology [PDF Download]

Books On Eschatology PDF. Within Christian theology, Christian eschatology is a small field of study that focuses on the notion of the “last things,” particularly the Parousia, or the Second Coming of Christ. The study of “end things,” such as the end of a person’s life, the end of an era, the end of the world, or the nature of God’s Kingdom, is known as eschatology. The word comes from two Greek words that indicate “last” and “study.”

In general, Christian eschatology, which is mostly grounded in scriptural passages from the Old and New Testaments, concentrates on the ultimate fate of both individual souls and the entire created order. Christian eschatology examines and debates topics like millennialism, the end of the world, the Last Judgment, death and the afterlife, Heaven and Hell, the Second Coming of Jesus, the resurrection of the dead, the rapture, the tribulation, and the New Heaven and New Earth in the hereafter.

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The Bible contains numerous eschatological passages in both the Old and New Testaments. There are also a plethora of extrabiblical eschatological prophesies and related extrabiblical ecclesiastical traditions.

The Books on Eschatology PDF Free Download gathered here are for you on Eschatology. Take time to read, study, and learn.

Below are the lists of Books on Eschatology PDF:

Biblical Eschatology – Jonathan Menn

Christian Theology (An Eschatological Approach, Vol 1) – Thomas N. Finger

Eschatological Discipleship – Trevin K. Wax

Heideggers Eschatology (Theological Horizons in Martin Heideggers Early Work) – Judith Wolfe

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Making All Things New (Inaugurated Eschatology for the Life of the Church) – Benjamin L. Gladd and Matthew S. Harmon


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