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Christian College Develops “Pulpit Simulator” for Preaching Training

Christian-Inestment-Books-300x169 Christian College Develops "Pulpit Simulator" for Preaching Training

A “pulpit simulator” that helps pastors deliver better sermons is about to be introduced by a small Christian college in rural Indiana.

“If you think about a pilot who’s getting trained to crawl up into the cockpit of a plane, they get into a digital flight simulator,” The pastor of Colorado Springs’ First Presbyterian Church, Dr. Timothy McConnell, stated as much on a recent CBN News Quick Start podcast.

“We’ve created kind of a pulpit simulator, climbing into the pulpit with cameras, confidence monitors, lights, sound systems — all the things you would expect to need to have some acumen and some awareness of to step into the pulpit in our times, and we’ve put it into a lab space.”

The director of the program, McConnell, gave an overview of PREACH Labs, which Taylor University, one of the nation’s oldest Christian universities, established last month in Upland, Indiana.

The name of the program is an abbreviation for “Preparing, Resourcing, Equipping, and Coaching for Homiletic Excellence.”

“If you’re going to speak to thousands, you need to learn how to do that in a different way,” said McConnell. “And you don’t want to be a distraction, you don’t want to be a block to the Gospel.”


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