There are many ramifications to the widely shared video of Anambra State Governor Charles Soludo scolding a preacher in a marketplace on Saturday, March 8. To the best of my knowledge, no other governor in Nigeria has done so.
To the best of my knowledge, Soludo is the first governor and public official to personally take to the streets to advocate against noise pollution; I would be happy to be proven wrong. Instead, northern Nigerian states are declaring school holidays due to the Ramadan fast, and these governors will tolerate religious noise as long as it advances their political agenda.
For political purposes, politicians typically enjoy playing to the gallery in order to win over the public. They are afraid they would not gain the public’s trust in another election year, so they won’t go out the way Soludo did.
Therefore, some governors would prefer to ignore what Soludo appears to be directly confronting as a threat.
In actuality, though, the video scenario was very funny. When he told the young man he was berating for preaching in the marketplace that what he was doing was against the law, he appeared confused.
He advised him to limit his preaching to the church setting after telling him that he was causing a nuisance. He also announced that anyone who disobeys the law will be fined N500,000.
Online, many individuals applauded the action. Some took advantage of the chance to vent their frustrations about the Church by listing the ways in which preachers have marketed the gospel.
Many people think that preachers who disregard other people’s privacy ought to be held accountable.
It’s true that there are many different types of persons who profess to be gospel preachers but are really just for their stomachs. Preachers at vehicle parks have been known to pose as gospel preachers before requesting assistance following a five-minute speech that is typically suggestive.
Some bus evangelists have turned sharing the gospel into a business.
However, the reality is that some lives are being changed regardless of whether people are sincerely preaching the gospel or using it to broaden their horizons. The gospel is being preached, which is also significant. The strength of God’s word cannot be understated.