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James David Vance, the US vice president, proclaims the gospel at CPAC

In an interview at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Harbor, James David Vance, the vice president of the United States, stressed the significance of the gospel and how it goes beyond a simple set of morally upright values.

It’s more than merely a collection of morally upright ideas. The Son of God took on human form, died, and then rose from the grave. As he shares the gospel at CPAC, JD Vance stated, “That is the core principle of the Christian faith.”

One thing to take away from it, in my opinion, is that we shouldn’t be afraid of dying. Death is not the only horrible thing that may happen. One’s soul could be lost.

The vice president also discussed how “you should suppress every masculine urge” is a message that “our culture sends to young men.”

“I would advise young men not to let this dysfunctional culture paint them as bad people just because they are men,” Vance added. “Because you’re competitive, because you enjoy humor, or because you enjoy drinking beer with your friends.”

Furthermore, he emphasized his belief that the dominant culture in the United States is transforming all people, male and female, into androgynous fools who think, speak, and behave in the same ways.

We truly believe that God created men and women for a specific purpose, he added. “We want you guys to succeed as young men and as young women, and we’re going to help with our public policy to make that possible.”


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