
[Review] The Knowledge of The Holy – A. W. Tozer


This book is a profound exploration of God’s holiness, a concept often misunderstood or neglected in contemporary Christianity. Tozer, with his characteristic eloquence and theological depth, challenges readers to grapple with the awe-inspiring majesty and transcendence of God. He argues that a true understanding of God’s holiness is essential for a genuine and meaningful Christian life.


  • Strengths: Tozer’s writing is both insightful and thought-provoking. He presents the concept of God’s holiness in a way that is both intellectually stimulating and spiritually challenging. The book is filled with profound theological insights and biblical truths.
  • Weaknesses: The book can be challenging to read, particularly for those who are new to Christian theology or unfamiliar with more abstract theological concepts. Tozer’s writing style, while eloquent, can be dense and require careful attention.


  • “The knowledge of the holy is the supreme knowledge, the final knowledge, and the only knowledge that truly matters.”
  • “God is not a being among beings, but Being itself, absolute and unconditioned.”
  • “To know God truly is to know that He is holy, and to know oneself to be unholy.”


4.5 out of 5 stars. A challenging but rewarding read for those seeking a deeper understanding of God’s character and their own place in relation to Him.


“The Knowledge of the Holy” is highly recommended for:

  • Serious-minded Christians seeking to deepen their understanding of God’s nature.
  • Those interested in exploring the theological concept of holiness.
  • Individuals who are passionate about spiritual growth and desire to cultivate a more reverential approach to God.

While the book may require some effort to fully grasp, the rewards for those who persevere are significant. Tozer’s profound insights into the nature of God will leave a lasting impact on the reader’s understanding of the divine and their own spiritual journey.


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