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Kumuyi and Adeboye Recognized as Yoruba Persons of the Year

Pastors Enoch Adeboye of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) and William Kumuyi of the Deeper Life Ministry have been named the Irohinoodua 2025 Persons of the Year. Irohin Odua, a pan-Yoruba online news platform, announced the award in a statement on its website, praising the two men for their exceptional service to God and humanity.

The annual Irohinoodua Award recognizes prominent Yoruba figures. According to the statement, signed by Feyisike Adeoye of the Irohinoodua editorial board, Pastors Kumuyi, and Adeboye have demonstrated exemplary dedication to serving both God and people.

The statement highlighted the global prevalence of violence, hate, and division, noting that these two religious leaders have consistently promoted love, peace, and brotherhood. In 2024, particularly, Nigeria experienced a surge in religiously and ethnically motivated violence and discord.

The board emphasized that while others used religion to fuel hatred and further narrow political and ethnic agendas, Pastors Kumuyi and Adeboye leveraged their influence to foster harmony and good neighborliness.

Adeoye also pointed out that despite facing criticism, their responses have always been measured, respectful, and rooted in their faith. The statement further noted their global influence, stating that they are among the few Yoruba figures who, despite holding no political office, have access to world leaders.

Irohinoodua concluded by emphasizing that their global recognition shines brightly, bringing honor to the Yoruba nation, even in the absence of local accolades.


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