Christian Books

4 Profound Books On Bible Doctrines

We have gathered four great Books on Bible Doctrines that you should read about. Biblical doctrine, derived from the Greek word for “instruction,” refers to authoritative, spiritually focused teaching, particularly as it applies to lifestyle. Scripture emphasizes its importance, stating…

All Spiritual Books By Benny Hinn

Best books by Benny Hinn are gathered here for you to know which one to go and buy. Toufik Benedictus “Benny” Hinn, a Palestinian-American-Canadian televangelist who was born in Israel on December 3, 1952, is most known for his frequent…

All Apostle Philip Cephas Books You Need To Get

Here are all Books by Apostle Philip Cephas for you to go and buy. Born on December 25th to a family of eight, Apostle Philip Cephas Abaya is a seasoned apostolic and prophetic teacher of the gospel of truth. He…

Lists of Spiritual Books By Andrew Murray

Spiritual and anointed books by Andrew Murray all gathered here for you. Andrew Murray was a South African author, educator, and Christian minister who lived from 9 May 1828 until 18 January 1917. Missions, according to Murray, are “the chief…

Books By A. W. Tozer That Will Change Your Life

We have gathered lists of Books by A. W. Tozer that a believer must read in his faith journey. American Christian pastor, writer, magazine editor, and spiritual guide Aiden Wilson Tozer was born on April 21, 1897, and died on…

5 Powerful Books on Baptism You Should Read

Books on Baptism highlighted for you. Christian baptism, instituted by Jesus as a core ordinance, symbolizes a believer’s public declaration of faith and discipleship. Rooted in Jesus’ command to baptize new disciples in the name of the Father, Son, and…

10 Books on The Anointing You Should Read

Books on the Anointing that every believer and minister of God must read. In the Old Testament, ceremonial anointing involved applying sacred oil to individuals or objects, symbolizing divine selection and setting them apart for holy purposes. This practice, using…

Books on Angels You Should Read

We have lists of Books on Angels that you should read. Angels, as depicted across various traditions, particularly Abrahamic religions, are spiritual beings serving as intermediaries between the divine and humanity.  Typically envisioned as humanoid figures with bird-like wings, they…

5 Powerful Books To Overcome Addiction

We have listed powerful books that you can read to help you overcome addiction. Addiction profoundly alters brain function, impacting both impulse control and the reward system. Specifically, the frontal cortex, responsible for judgment, is compromised, while the reward circuitry…

5 Books To Read Christian Investment

We have gathered lists of books on Christian Investment and every believer that wants to learn about investment should go get them. People are asking important questions about where their money goes. They want to know who they’re supporting, not…