
Top Books By Reinhard Bonnke

Reinhard-Bonnke-300x209 Top Books By Reinhard Bonnke

Books by Reinhard Bonnke are gathered here for you to go buy. German-American Pentecostal evangelist Reinhard Bonnke (19 April 1940 – 7 December 2019) is primarily known for his gospel missions in Africa. An estimated 1.6 million people attended a single service in Lagos, Nigeria, in 2000, and according to the Christ For All Nations (CFAN) organization, which is well-known for its work throughout Africa, Bonnke preached Christ to over 79 million unbelievers.

The fifth son of Hermann Bonnke, an army logistics officer in the Reichswehr who served on the Eastern Front, Reinhard Bonnke was born on April 19, 1940, in Königsberg, East Prussia, Germany. His paternal grandfather, August Bonnke, owned a windmill in Trunz, East Prussia (now Milejewo, Poland), and was cured of an unidentified illness by the evangelist Luis Graf in 1922. However, he passed away during the East Prussian evacuation in 1945.

Metaa Bonnke (née Scheffler) was his mother. Martin, Gerhard, Jurgen, Peter, Felicitas, his only younger sibling, and his only sister were among Bonnke’s six siblings.

These books by Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke are spiritual and anointed.

Below are the lists of Books by Reinhard Boonke:

Daily Fire Devotional, 365 Days In God’s Word – Reinhard Bonnke

Evangelism by Fire – Reinhard Bonnke

Even Greater – Reinhard Bonnke

Faith, The Link with God’s Power – Reinhard Bonnke

Holy Spirit – Revelation and Revolution – Reinhard Bonnke

Living A Life of Fire – Reinhard Bonnke

Living a Life of Fire-Preview – Reinhard Bonnke

Raised From The Dead, The Miracle That Brings Promise To America – Reinhard Bonnke

Taking Action – Reinhard Bonnke


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