Christian SermonsPastor Femi Lazarus

Download Pastor Femi Lazarus Messages And Audio Sermons

Download Pastor Femi Lazarus Messages And Audio Sermons

Download Pastor Femi Lazarus Messages And Audio Sermons

Pastor Femi Lazarus messages are available for download. He is the Lead pastor of Sphere Of Light Church. Pastor Femi is a Public Health Professional and Convener Of Campus on Fire Conference.

He is a very selfless and passionate preacher who has a vision of liberating as a mandate from God.

Just click on any title of your desire and it will start downloading within seconds.

We have gathered many of his teachings and they touch different areas of mankind.

Free Download Of Pastor Femi Lazarus Messages:

Relationship Mistakes


Becoming A Complete Woman

See also:  Men On Missions by Apostle Femi Lazarus (Download)

Be Prepared

Brokenness 2

Building Lasting Relationships

Building To Last

Breaking Out Of Fear

Building Solid Financial Structure In Ministry

Building Solid Foundation For Ministry

Character Issues That Kill Relationship

Come Up Higher

Confronting The Gate Of Hell In Ministry

Critical Church Matters

Developing Value Systems For The Word

Digging The Wells Of The Fathers 2

Digging The Wells Of The Fathers

Divine Purging 1

Divine Purging 2

Doing Ministry God’s Way

Finding Answers

Follow Me

God’s Leading Inline With Prosperity

How God Prepares His Men

How To Behave In Church

How To Build A Strong Ministry

In The Days Of His Power

Journeying From Boy To Man

Laying Solid Foundation For A Happy Home

Letters To The Church Girls

See also:  Move The Mountain A – Pastor E. A. Adeboye

My Burden

Mercy; A Requirement For Ministry

Ministry And Matters Around

Ministry And They That Will Survive

Navigating Through Tribulation

Our Redemption Story 1

Principles To Rise To The Mountain Top

The Plague Of Men Who Paid The Price

Pulling Down Strongholds

Quantum Leap

Recognizing Seasons

Revival Came Too Early 2

Revival Came Too Early 1


Stand! A Culture Of The Spirit

Spiritual Warfare 1

Spiritual Warfare 2

Spiritual Warfare 3

Spiritual Warfare 4

Storming The Gates Of Hell Through Prayer

The Journey Of David 2

The Journey Of David 1

The Man Of God’s Right Hand

The Need For Broken Men

The Sacrifice Of Fathers

The Sleeping Church In A Dying World

The Emergence Of New Generation Ministers

The Fourth Dimension

The Man God Will Use

See also:  The Ten Attitudes Of Leadership Development – Dr. Myles Munroe

The Man God Will Use 2

The Power Of Impartation

The Power Of Ministerial Training

The Practice Of The Presence Of God

The Prophetic Generation

The Protocol Of Encounters

Why Christian Brothers Lose Out

Why Christian Ladies Loose Out

Why God May Decide To Hide Me

Why Relationships Fail

What Do You Know About War

What You Have Been Called To Do As A Minister

Who Is A Servant Of God?

Wisdom For Young Minister

Work Worthy Of Your Calling 1

Work Worthy Of Your Calling 2

Work Worthy Of Your Calling 3

The Spirit Of Resurrection

The Life Of Worship

The Weight Of Hid Glory

The Word Of Faith

Wisdom Capsule For Leaders 1

Wisdom Capsule For Leaders 2


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